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Creating a Great User Experience for Mobile Apps

The first name on the list of the best online App Development courses is "Creating a Great User Experience for Mobile Apps" from Future Learn. It was created by the University of Leeds Institute of Coding for people who already have some digital skills but want to improve them. The learning objectives you can gain after taking this course are: identifying the characteristics of a smartphone that influence app design; explaining how interactive and visual features contribute to a positive app user experience; examining the various roles and stages involved in developing a mobile app; identifying and describing a simple problem that could be solved with an app; and creating a mobile app's screens and architecture with a pen, paper, and your own smartphone.

This course is for anyone interested in app development. It will be especially helpful if you want to learn more about apps and user experience, or if you simply want to improve your digital skills and gain confidence in using digital technology in the workplace.

This course offers:

  • 100% online
  • Duration of 2 weeks
  • Certificate at no charge

Course by: Future Learn
Future Learn Rating:
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