Creative Arts and Design
Although Creative Arts & Design is all about the artistic expression of ideas, it can take many forms, including visual and audio. As a result, there is a wide range of specializations in Creative Arts & Design. Some major fields in Creative Arts & Design are quite common and may lead to an exciting and enjoyable career.
According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, 41,100 international students were enrolled in the Creative Arts & Design degree program in the United Kingdom. International students study Creative Arts & Design degrees such as Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Fine Art, and Typography. They include gaining applicable skills in specific industries and are in high demand in today's creative world.
Furthermore, the UK's reputation in the humanities and arts, as well as the creative environment fostered by universities, make it an ideal location for pursuing such a degree. If they pursue this UK degree, international students can attend prestigious universities such as the University of Oxford, Newcastle University, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and the Royal College of Art.