Crunchyroll is a renowned platform for reading comics online, primarily focusing on manga and anime. It was developed by Crunchyroll, Inc. and was released in 2006. This site has gained immense popularity, particularly in the anime and manga community, due to its extensive library of licensed manga titles from various publishers. Crunchyroll's commitment to providing legal and high-quality content has made it a go-to destination for manga enthusiasts. While the exact number of monthly visitors is not publicly disclosed, Crunchyroll attracts millions of users each month.
- Extensive collection of licensed manga titles,
- availability of simulpubs (simultaneous publication),
- user-friendly interface,
- option to read manga for free with ads or subscribe for an ad-free experience,
- availability of anime streaming.
- Limited availability of certain manga titles,
- occasional delays in manga releases,
- some content may require a premium subscription.
Founded: Crunchyroll was founded by Kun Gao and James Lin.
Developed by: Developed by Crunchyroll, Inc.
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States.
Official website: