Crunchyroll is a popular streaming service that primarily focuses on anime content, but also offers a variety of Asian dramas with English subtitles. Developed by Kun Gao and James Lin in 2006, the site has since become one of the go-to destinations for fans of Asian dramas.
Crunchyroll's collection of Asian dramas includes shows from Japan, Korea, and China, with popular titles such as "Itaewon Class," "Noble, My Love," and "The Legend of the Blue Sea." The site's high-quality streaming and easy-to-use interface have made it a popular choice among fans of Asian dramas.
Crunchyroll's success can be attributed to its focus on providing a niche service for anime fans, as well as its ability to offer a wide variety of content that appeals to a global audience. The site also offers a premium subscription service that allows users to access exclusive content and features.
Crunchyroll sees an estimated 90 million visitors per month, making it one of the most popular streaming platforms for anime and Asian dramas.
Founded: 2006
Founder: Kun Gao and James Lin
Headquarters: San Francisco, California, United States
Official Website: