Cuba’s three biggest exports are tobacco, sugar and nickel
The main tobacco product is the Cuban cigar, which is known across the globe as the gold standard of cigars and is hence an important export, which is one of the Things About Cuba You Should Know. Sugar is exported both raw and in the form of several rums produced on the island. In terms of nickel, it is estimated that Cuba still holds approximately five million metric tons of deposits. After Indonesia, Australia, Brazil, and Russia, the country is ranked fifth on the globe. The majority of the nickel is exported and used to create stainless steel and other alloys.
Cuban cigars are cigars produced in Cuba using tobacco farmed on the island. Historically recognized as among the world's "finest," they are synonymous with the island's culture and account for about one-quarter of the country's total export value. The filler, binder, and wrapper can originate from anywhere on the island, but the majority is produced in Pinar del Ro province, the regions of Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta, and farms in the Viales region. Cubatabaco, a state-owned company, controls all cigar manufacture in the country. The Cuban cigar is also known as "El Habano."