Curiosity Rover
Curiosity rover is a car-sized Mars rover that is part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission to investigate the Gale crater on Mars. This rover is about the size of a car and costs $2.5 billion. Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral (CCAFS) on November 26, 2011, and landed on Aeolis Palus on Mars on August 6, 2012. After a 560 million km (350 million mi) trek, the rover's touchdown target was less than 2.4 km (1.5 mi) from the Bradbury Landing site.
The mission's objectives include studying the Martian climate and geology, determining whether the chosen field site inside Gale has ever provided favorable environmental conditions for microbial life (including looking into the role of water), and conducting planetary habitability studies in preparation for human exploration. On Mars, the Curiosity rover discovered unexplainable oxygen. This car-sized rover has been exploring Mars for the past ten years. However, NASA announced that this system had had a little setback since the robot was unaware of its orientation and position on another planet, but the rover's success remained outstanding.
Cost: $2.5 billion