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Cyworld (싸이월드)

Cyworld (싸이월드) is a microblog platform that was first introduced in the year 1999. Imagine it as the equivalent of MySpace in Korea!

In the middle to late 2000s, this social networking service was South Korea's dominant force, helping to shape the country's internet culture in a way that was both iconic and unequaled.

You were provided with a “미니홈피 (minihompy)” on Cyworld, often known as a "mini home page," which you could personalize and use as a blog or journal. Does this ring a bell?

When it came to presenting themselves online in the past, Koreans put a lot of effort into customizing not just their minihompy but also their minime (avatar) and BGM (background music). People paid for them using Cyworld's own currency, called acorn (도토리 or dotori), and referred to their followers and friends as “ilchon (일촌).” How adorable!

Available on iOS and Android


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Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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Social network license number 370/GP-BTTTT issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications on September 9, 2019
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