Dangerous Romance
Dangerous Romance, also known as Heart in the Wind, emerges as a captivating Thai BL series that debuted in August 2023, delivering a rollercoaster of emotions across its 12 episodes. Centered around the lives of two disparate individuals, Talay, a charismatic yet mischievous playboy, and Saen, a committed law student with a serious demeanor, the series takes an unexpected turn when fate intertwines their paths, forcing Talay to seek refuge in Saen's assistance amidst a dangerous web of secrets.
Intriguingly, the stark differences in their personalities spark an undeniable connection that deepens as they confront hidden agendas, betrayal, and adrenaline-pumping challenges. Dangerous Romance defies the conventions of typical BL series, presenting a unique fusion of romance, suspense, and action that consistently keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The palpable chemistry between the leads adds a layer of authenticity to their journey, making each episode an engrossing experience.
With its enthralling plot, visually stunning cinematography, and a talented cast, Dangerous Romance stands out as a must-watch for BL enthusiasts seeking a narrative that transcends the ordinary. This tale promises to evoke swoons, gasps, and an insatiable desire for more, leaving an indelible mark on those who embark on its thrilling and passionate journey.
- Release date: August 18, 2023
- Produced by: The One Enterprise, GMMTV, Fillframe
- Genres: Drama, Romance
- Director: Phadung Samajarn, Worawut Thanamatchaicharoen
- Stars: Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan, Wachirawit Ruangwiwat, Natirit Worakornlertsith
- Number of seasons: 1
- Number of episodes: 12
- IMDb rating: 7.4/10
- Total views: 56M+
- Watch here: https://tinyurl.com/38uwbeyy