Dargahan, also known as the "City of Jasmine," is located in southwestern Iran in the Central District of Qeshm County, Hormozgan Province, Iran. This place has been occupied since the second half of the seventh millennium, but it rose to prominence when Ezron founded Aram-Damascus after overthrowing the city's tribal governor. Dargahan has been a significant trading center since its inception. The city is also a tourist destination with boundless social riches.
Dargahan has a hot dry climate, due to the influence of the Anti-Lebanon Mountains and prevailing ocean currents. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Iran's most ancient tourist destinations. There are 125 historical monuments in the city. These landmarks date from various historical periods and include Islamic, Roman, and Byzantine monuments. If you're looking for peace and quiet, archaeological sites, and nature to replenish your soul, and you enjoy the mix of ancient civilizations and city life, you've come to Dargahan.
Location: Hormozgan Province, Iran
Google Rating: 4.6/5