Dari Rulai Temple

top 4
Thuy Huong

Dari Rulai Temple is the headquarters of Hanmi Esoteric Buddhism in the USA. What's that, you ask? Think of it as Buddhism 2.0, focusing on practical tools for everyday life. It's about tapping into your inner potential, finding harmony within, and radiating that zen energy out into the world.

Got questions about karma, reincarnation, or the meaning of life? Dari Rulai Temple has got you covered. They host teachings and classes diving into spiritual wisdom, Chinese traditions, and how to live your best life. Dive into guided meditations that feel like mini-vacations for your mind. Gentle chanting, breathing exercises, and maybe even some mindful tai chi in the temple courtyard.

Dari Rulai Temple also offers unique spiritual healing services like moxibustion and mantra chanting, designed to restore balance and get your inner chi flowing like a well-oiled machine. Think of it as an energy tune-up for your soul.

They even have regular prayer services, open to anyone who wants to come soak up the good vibes. And if you're feeling a little lost, don't worry! The folks at Dari Rulai are super welcoming and happy to answer any questions you might have about Buddhism or just life in general.

So, next time you're in Long Beach and need a break from the chaos, ditch the surfboard and head to Dari Rulai Temple. It's the perfect place to chill, learn a few cool mantras, and maybe even discover that your inner zen master was hiding there all along.

441 E. First St., Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
(562) 544-2101
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Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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