"DEAR. DOOR" is a popular manhwa that falls within various genres such as action, boy love, drama, comedy, fantasy, supernatural, mystery, and adult content. The story revolves around Kyungjoon, a determined police officer in pursuit of notorious criminals, who unexpectedly encounters a peculiar demon "Lord Cain."
Surviving a life-threatening accident, he becomes bewildered as he gazes at the sky, witnessing the enigmatic figure he had just encountered. Shortly after, the demon reappears and whispers, "Hurry up! I want to 'get inside' you."
This encounter leads to mysterious and captivating developments as the two characters cross paths once again. "DEAR. DOOR" is known for its engaging plot, mature themes, and intriguing characters, making it a compelling read for enthusiasts of the supernatural, mystery, and romance genres.
- Author: Pluto
- Genres: BL, Demon, Supernatural power
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 33
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