Death Note
"Death Note" is a psychological thriller anime based on Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata's manga of the same name. The story revolves around Light Yagami, a high school student who stumbles upon a mysterious notebook known as the Death Note. This supernatural notebook allows its user to kill anyone whose name is written in it, provided they have the person's face in their mind. Light, who is disillusioned with the world's state, takes on the identity of "Kira" and begins using the Death Note to eliminate criminals and create a utopian society.
The series takes a dark turn when a brilliant detective known as L starts investigating Kira's identity, leading to a high-stakes game of cat and mouse between the two geniuses.
"Death Note" is celebrated for its complex characters, moral dilemmas, and exploration of justice and morality. It's renowned for its English dub, which is often considered one of the best in the anime world. The English voice actors, particularly Brad Swaile as Light and Alessandro Juliani as L, deliver stellar performances that match the intensity and depth of the original Japanese version. This makes "Death Note" a compelling choice for viewers who prefer watching anime in English.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Tetsuo Araki
Episodes: 37
Episode Duration: Approximately 24 minutes per episode
IMDb Rating: 8.9