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Deep Learning Nanodegree Program – Udacity

This Udacity specialization course was created in conjunction with Amazon Web Services and Facebook AI. Learners will grasp neural network ideas and implementations utilizing deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch in this course. The students will also learn how to construct CNNs for image recognition and RNNs for sequence regeneration tasks. Learners will also get a deep dive into advanced concepts and models like generative adversarial networks (GAN) for picture generation, as well as learn how to deploy models.

Participants are expected to have a working grasp of Python programming and its libraries, such as NumPy and Pandas, as the program is designed primarily for intermediate learners. There are, however, additional requirements, like as knowledge of calculus and linear algebra.

The course curriculum includes:

  • Introduction
  • Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • RNN
  • GAN
  • Deploying a Sentiment Analysis Model

Instructor: Mat Leonard, Luis Serrano, Cezanne Camacho, Alexis Cook, Jennifer Staab, Sean Carrell, Ortal Arel, Jay Alammar, and Daniel Jiang

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 4 months

User Review: 4.7/5

No. of Reviews: 2100

Price: Monthly Access: $310.8/ 4-Month Access: $1056.8


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