Deep Learning with Python
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François Chollet is a deep learning researcher at Google in Mountain View, California. He created the Keras deep-learning library and contributed to the Tensor Flow machine-learning framework. He also does deep-learning research, with a particular interest in computer vision and the application of machine learning to formal reasoning.
Among the best books on deep learning, Deep Learning with Python delves into the area of deep learning by utilizing the Python programming language and the sophisticated Keras package. This book, written by Keras founder and Google AI researcher François Chollet, will help you comprehend the technology with clear explanations and practical examples. You'll learn difficult concepts and use them in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models. By the end, you'll have the knowledge and hands-on experience to apply deep learning to your own projects.
What's on the Inside:
- Deep understanding based on first principles
- Image-classification models in your own deep-learning environment
- Text and sequence deep learning
- Image generation, text generation, and neural style transfer
Author: Francois Chollet
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Best Sellers Rank: #70,680 in Books
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#11 in Online Internet Searching
#18 in Computer Neural Networks