Digital Image Processing: Operations and Applications

Image processing is a technique for applying operations to an image in order to improve it or extract useful information from it. Don't be intimidated by all those technical terms; you'll walk you through the basics. So, you're interested in learning more about Image Processing? If that's the case, then this self-paced course is for you!

This course has been designed to allow the instructors to share their knowledge while also assisting you in learning complex theories, techniques, and concepts in a straightforward manner. It's ideal for all of you self-taught students out there!

You'll enter the world of image processing for the first time. You'll learn new skills and gain a better understanding of the subject with each tutorial. To make the learning process more interactive, the course has provided lectures with notes and assignments. While preparing for this course, special care was taken to ensure that the concepts were presented in a fun and exciting manner while also delving deeply into Image Processing.

Who this course is for:

  • Students who want to study the domain in less than 2 hrs.
  • Students, Researchers and faculty who are interested in learning Image Processing and its techniques.
  • Technologists who are curious about how the images are handled and worked upon.
  • People who want to brush up their basics.


  • Basic knowledge of matrix multiplication and basic arithmetic and logical operations.

Course ratings: 4.0/5
Enroll here:

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