Cichlids in the genus Symphysodon also referred to as Discus, are indigenous to the Amazon river basin in South America. Discus are well-liked as freshwater aquarium fish due to their unusual shape, behavior, and vibrant colors and patterns, and their aquaculture is a significant sector in many Asian nations. They are occasionally known as pompadour fish.
All Symphysodon species have a laterally compressed body form, just like cichlids from the genus Pterophyllum (angelfish). But unlike Pterophyllum, Symphysodon lacks extensive finnage, giving it a more rounded appearance. They got their popular name "discus" because of their body form. The fish frequently has patterns on its flanks in the colors green, red, brown, and blue. Aquarists have selectively bred some of the more vividly marked forms, which are extinct in the wild. For this fish, there isn't any obvious sexual dimorphism, but males can grow to be bigger than females.