Diversity wildlife of Guinea
The wildlife of this West African nation can also be fascinating to visitors. The northeast savannahs between the Tinkisso River and the Mali border, the foothills of the Fouta Djallon highlands, and the southeast of the nation are good places to see animals. Guinea's wildlife has a tremendously broad range of habitats, which contributes to its diversity. While the north and east of the country are made up of dry savanna woodlands, the southern portion of the nation is located inside the Guinean Forests of West Africa Biodiversity Hotspot. Guinea's ecoregions include the West Sudanian Savanna, Guinean mangroves, Guinean forest-savanna mosaic, Guinean montane forest, and Guinean lowland forest.
Due to ineffective environmental conservation, declining populations of large mammals are confined to remote, desolate areas of parks and reserves. The Guinean Parks is a notable NGO that focuses on protecting nature. Pinselly Classified Forest, National Park of Upper Niger, Badiar National Park, Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Ziama Massif, Bossou Hills Reserve, and Diécké Classified Forest are well-known refuges for Guinean species.