Doctors Man
Doctor's Man's objective, which began in 2005, is to create an atmosphere in which everyone may simply and accurately consume extremely concentrated hydrogen water and breathe high-purity hydrogen gas in everyday life.
One of Doctor Man's unique inventions is +h, a hydrogen water generator with the following striking features:
- Platinum coated Titanium Electrode.
- Specially designed PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane).
- Automatic electrode cleaning function after use of per 30L water.
- Durability test certified 12000L hydrogen water generation capacity.
Outstanding products:
- Plus H/ H2JH1
- H2JI1 – Hydrogen Gas Inhaler
- H2JI1 – Hydrogen Gas Inhaler
- So-nano / H2JV3
- H2KC1
- Spahare / FLSP-14
- H2-Bag
Detailed information:
Weibo: 水素精灵DoctorsMan