The intriguing "Dokgo" manhwa (Korean comic) series was written and illustrated by Min and Baek Seung Hoon. It is one of the best manhwa (webtoons) where MC is terminally ill. It is a riveting, action-packed webcomic that explores themes like friendship, vengeance, and overcoming hardship. The manhwa was first serialized in 2015 on the website "Naver Webtoon" and has since attracted a devoted following. The main character of "Dokgo" is a high school student named Kang Hyuk, who seeks retribution for his identical twin brother Kang Hoo. A group known as "Taechon," headed by the vicious and strong Jeong Haejin, has been harassing the Kang brothers for years. Following the terrible bullying-related death of Kang Hoo, Kang Hyuk makes the decision to intervene.
Kang Hyuk sets out on an unrelenting mission to take down the Taechon gang, propelled by his intense passion for justice and equipped with outstanding fighting skills. Along the way, he forges ties with other students who have also been oppressed by the gang, giving rise to the "Dokgo Crew." Together, they make their way through the perilous underground of crime and violence while looking for justice for both themselves and others.
The movie "Dokgo" depicts the terrible realities of school violence as well as the effects it may have on people's lives and those of their families. It addresses the concepts of tenacity, fidelity, and the power of solidarity. The manhwa has violent battle sequences that display Kang Hyuk's mastery of martial arts and his unwavering commitment to bringing wrongdoers to justice. "Dokgo" has won praise for its gripping story and well-rounded characters thanks to its realistic storytelling and dramatic artwork. Due to the manhwa's popularity, spin-off series and media adaptations, like as live-action movies and dramas, were produced.
Author: Min
Genres: Action, School Life
Chapters: 90
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