"Drifters" is a manga series that provides an action-packed and thrilling narrative set in a fantastical world. It is one of the best isekai manga of all time. Created by Kouta Hirano, the manga follows the story of historical figures who are transported to an alternate dimension and become known as "Drifters." These Drifters are chosen warriors from different time periods who are plucked from their own eras and brought together to fight against the powerful and malevolent beings known as "Ends." The manga delves into the epic battles and confrontations between the Drifters and the Ends, showcasing intense action sequences, strategic warfare, and fantastical powers. The Drifters consist of renowned historical figures, including warriors, samurais, knights, and military tacticians, each bringing their unique skills and personalities to the forefront.
Amidst the battles, "Drifters" also explores themes such as fate, morality, and the consequences of war. The characters face moral dilemmas as they grapple with their new roles in this unfamiliar world and the responsibility of fighting against the Ends. The manga also provides occasional moments of humor and camaraderie between the characters, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. "Drifters" combines historical references, fantasy elements, and a dash of supernatural powers to create an engaging and action-packed narrative. It offers readers an enthralling journey through time and dimensions as the Drifters strive to protect this new world and uncover the truth behind their summoning.
Author: K. Hirano
Illustrator: K. Hirano
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Historical
Chapters: 78
Read here: https://mangatoto.com/title/7704-drifters