Drudge Report
Drudge Report is an aggregator of political news in the United States. The site is mainly filled with news from other outlets about politics, entertainment, and current events. Drudge Report since its inception has always emailed the latest articles based on weekly subscribers.
The Drudge Report website publishes political news from around the world, each with a link written by key editors. The content of each article will usually be taken from many different sources of information to synthesize and form a complete article.
The story content that Drudge Report is interested in is politics appearing in major magazines or newspapers. From time to time the Drudge newspaper also publishes news about polls or polls that have not yet been released to the public. The website interface is difficult to see, but every piece of news the website provides is the latest news for readers.
The main color tone of the website is a black and white image representing the political newspaper of the past that is still in use today. Drudge Report still provides you with tools and categories to find the information you are most interested in.
Founded: 1995
Headquarters: California, United States
Website: https://www.drudgereport.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrudgeReportOfficial/ (7.5K Followers)