Dubois’s Sea Snake
A type of venomous sea snake is the Dubois' sea snake. Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and the northern, eastern, and western coasts of Australia—specifically, the Coral Sea, Arafura Sea, Timor Sea, and the Indian Ocean—are all included in its geographic range. The coral reef flats, sandy and silty sediments that include seaweed, invertebrates, and corals or sponges that can act as shelter are where they reside at depths of up to 80 meters.
It does not lay eggs; instead, it gives birth. They have a moderate level of aggression, which means they will bite if threatened but not proactively. The 0.43 mg of venom and the 1.8 mm long fangs are relatively short for snakes. Being a twilight-active species, Dubois’s Sea Snake is most active at dawn and dusk. Adults can reach a length of 148 cm, but they normally measure 80 cm. The body is a little bit narrower than the head.
The Dubois' sea snake is a very venomous snake that inhabits coral reef flats in the Coral Sea, Arafura Sea, Timor Sea, and the Indian Ocean. Although there aren't many reports of this snake killing anyone, its bite is exceedingly lethal. On the other hand, you may imagine that this sea snake, if provoked, could kill a passing scuba diver with a single bite with an LD50 level of 0.04mg! Given the size of our oceans and the fact that the Dubois sea snake is the most poisonous sea snake in the world, very few people die from sea snake bites.