Dungeon Reset
A Korean manhwa (comic) series called Dungeon Reset was created by Redice Studio and Ant Studio. The plot centers on the exploits of Kang-woo, a formidable dungeon master who finds himself unexpectedly transferred to a strange new realm. He is stripped of his abilities in this world and made to start anew as a weak beast. Kang-woo is adamant, nevertheless, that he will build up his power and return to the top of the dungeon food chain. Kang-woo encounters several difficulties as he fights his way through the dungeon's various levels, meeting both new friends and foes. He gains more knowledge about the dungeon's secrets and the powers that govern it as he travels.
The dungeon crawler game Dungeon Reset is renowned for its original interpretation of the genre, fusing fantasy, action, and adventure to tell a gripping and captivating tale. Characters in the manhwa have received accolades for being well-drawn, the artwork is intricate, and the narration is quick.
The first edition of Dungeon Reset was released in 2019, and as of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021, it is still active. It has a sizable fan base both domestically and abroad, and it has been translated into other languages. Dungeon Reset is absolutely worth reading if you like fantasy novels with lots of action, well-drawn characters, and sophisticated worldbuilding.
Author: Ant Studio
Artist: Redice Studio
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Chapters: 165
Website: https://kissmeliar.com/