
top 5
Nguyen Kieu Trang

If you're in the market for manga, eBay is an excellent choice, offering both new and used manga box sets. With a wide range of options, you can find high-quality manga box sets that align with your preferences. The platform provides competitive prices due to its diverse marketplace, and you might stumble upon rare, out-of-print manga and sets.

Prices and shipping fees may vary depending on the seller, but some sellers even offer free shipping, making it a budget-friendly option, even for lower-cost manga priced at $4.99. Each seller on eBay may have their own return policy, so it's important to review the terms before buying. Some sellers may not accept returns or offer limited return windows.

However, it's essential to exercise caution and select sellers with positive reviews. Requesting pictures of the actual product is advisable, particularly for boxed sets, as this allows you to closely inspect each volume for any defects or tears. Ensuring the authenticity and quality of the manga box sets is crucial for a satisfying purchase experience.

Notable Features:

  • Options for both new and used box sets
  • Ability to bid on auctions for potential discounts
  • Buyer protection policies to ensure secure transactions


  • Large inventory with potential for finding rare or out-of-print box sets
  • Opportunity to connect with other manga collectors and enthusiasts


  • Shipping and handling costs can vary depending on the seller
  • Potential for longer delivery times and delays in receiving purchased box sets

Website: https://www.ebay.com/

Screenshot via https://www.ebay.com/
Screenshot via https://www.ebay.com/
Screenshot via https://www.ebay.com/
Screenshot via https://www.ebay.com/

Top 10 Best Sites to Buy Manga Box Sets

  1. top 1 Amazon
  2. top 2 Crunchyroll Store
  3. top 3 Barnes and Noble
  4. top 4 Booksamillion
  5. top 5 eBay
  6. top 6 Thriftbooks
  7. top 7 Instocktrades
  8. top 8 Book Outlet
  9. top 9 Midtown Comics
  10. top 10 Travelling Man

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