If you are interested in learning more about computer networking, then edX is the best website to visit. This platform offers a comprehensive computer networking class online that covers a broad range of topics related to networking. In this class, you will get to know what computer networks are and identify key network components. You will also learn the principles of networking applications and protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, and FTP.
Furthermore, you will discuss multiple access protocols, local area networks, VLANs, Ethernet, and learn the common principles of network security, cryptography, confidentiality, identification, and message integrity. You will also gain an understanding of reliable data transfer, multiplexing, transport layer, congestion control, UDP, flow control, demultiplexing, and TCP.
The course also covers network services, such as the network layer service model forwarding versus routing. You will be able to describe common network security technologies, such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls. You will also learn about the working of routers, such as broadcast, path selection, and multicast, and be familiar with routing protocols, routing algorithms, and IP protocols used today on the Internet, including RIP OSPF and BGP.
Website: https://www.edx.org/