Egyptian Cobra
The Egyptian Cobra (Naja haje) is one of the most venomous snakes in North Africa, which has caused many snakebite incidents in humans. The majority of North Africa north of the Sahara, the savannas of West Africa south of the Sahara, the Congo basin south of the Sahara, and Kenya and Tanzania in the east are all within the range of the Egyptian cobra. It is a terrestrial and crepuscular or nocturnal species. It can, however, be seen basking in the sun at times in the early morning. This species shows a preference for a permanent home base in abandoned animal burrows, termite mounds, or rock outcrops.
The species of Egyptian cobra is substantial. Large, depressed, and barely distinguishable from the neck is the head. Like all other cobras, this species' neck includes lengthy cervical ribs that can spread out to form a hood. It has a somewhat large, rounded nose. The eye has a large, rounded pupil. The Egyptian cobra has a long tail and a cylindrical, robust body. The Egyptian cobra's length is greatly influenced by its subspecies, habitat, and population. The skull and hood of this species are the most distinctive features.