Elevador de Santa Justa: An Antique Elevator with City Views

The odd-looking Santa Justa Lift, a neo-Gothic elevator and the city's most eccentric and novel mode of public transportation, looms somewhat incongruously over the rooftops of Lisbon's Baixa (downtown) district.

At first glance, its riveted wrought-iron frame and battleship-grey paint evoke the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and there is a connection: the elevator was designed by Raoul Mésnier du Ponsard, an apprentice of Gustave Eiffel, and was inaugurated in 1901. It was built to connect the Baixa neighborhood to the Largo do Carmo neighborhood in the Bairro Alto neighborhood, a trendy area of the city filled with expensive shops, Fado houses, and small restaurants.

Today, curious tourists rather than commuters take the 32-meter journey to the top, traveling in wood-paneled cabins with original polished brass instruments. The cabins squeak their way to a platform beneath the top terrace. Passengers can either exit and walk across a bridge into Bairro Alto, or they can climb the spiral staircase to the upper terrace. The views from the top are spectacular, encompassing a bustling urban canvas of pedestrianized streets, picturesque squares, and the ever-present castle and River Tagus. You can also get a great view of the nearby Igreja do Carmo. Expect long lines throughout the summer.

The Elevador da Bica
, a funicular railroad built by Raoul Mesnier de Ponsard and opened to the public in 1892, is another unique mode of transportation in Lisbon. It still rises above the steep Rua da Bica de Duarte Belo and transports passengers to a panoramic viewpoint today. This funicular railroad's lower station is almost hidden behind a facade on Rua de S. Paulo with the inscription "Ascensor da Bica" (no. 234). While you're here, check out Bica, a peaceful little quarter that runs down from the Calçada do Combro/Rua do Loreto to the Tagus. Only a few cars journey here due to its sloping topography, narrow streets, and densely packed buildings.

Address: R. do Ouro, 1150-060 Lisboa, Portugal
Timings: 24 hours
Phone: +351 21 413 8679
Google rating: 4.1/5
Website: http://www.carris.pt/pt/ascensores-e-elevador/

Youtube Channel: SE Meyer
Image by Thayran Melo via unsplash.com
Image by Thayran Melo via unsplash.com

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