Elis SA
Elis SA is the next name on the list of the dry-cleaning and laundry services companies. Elis is a textile, hygiene, and facility service company based in Paris, France that serves clients in 28 countries. For industries like catering, hospitality, healthcare, and retail, the company's solutions include flat linen, workwear, pest management, floor protection, industrial wiping, medical waste, and more. Linen services have been a component of Elis' operations since its inception, and the company continues to offer a variety of laundered linens, as well as workwear and other items.
In Europe and Latin America, Elis SA provides linen and workwear rental, laundry, and hygiene and well-being services. In addition, the company provides hotel guests with industrial laundry services, clothes cleanrooms, and sanitary services such as hand washing, hand wiping, and drying, toilet paper dispensers, bathroom hygiene, feminine hygiene, and air filtration.
Founded: 1883
Headquarters: Paris, France
Employees: 45,000
Revenue: €3.3 billion
Website: fr.elis.com/fr