A huge animal, the elk has a short tail and a noticeable buff patch on its rump. This animal is one of the biggest deer species in the world, along with the Moose and the Sambar Deer. Females lack antlers, while males have enormous antlers that typically begin to grow in the spring and are shed in the winter. Some people may also develop a thin mane on their necks. In order to keep them warm throughout the winter, these creatures' coats get thicker. Long, water-resistant hairs that cover the elk's dense, woolly underfur make up its winter coat. Elk calves who are born spotted eventually lose their markings by the end of the summer.
Elks are frequently seen throughout Canada, thus locals don't frequently fear these animals. They are one of the largest mammals in North America, despite the fact that we frequently connect them with beauty and serenity. Additionally, they can weigh up to a ton!
If you see them in person, their magnitude is frightening. If you do manage to come upon an elk, keep your distance. They frequently exhibit aggressive behavior and charge. When they are mating in the late summer and when they are giving birth in the spring, males are particularly hazardous.