ELLE Magazine
ELLE goes into the private lives of your favorite celebrities. Find out how they decide what to wear on the red carpet, peruse their favorite wardrobe picks, and read exclusive interviews. As the world's largest fashion magazine and media brand, ELLE inspires women to discover and celebrate style in every aspect of life with comprehensive and innovative content.
This is a thick magazine that has both good and bad, but has a newspaper column that is like an encyclopedia. There are many advertisements for products and designers. The advertisements, photo sessions and many photographs are very appealing to the worldview of art lovers. You'll get plenty of pose references, clothing ideas, color schemes, and other forms of inspiration and help through the magazine. From beauty to book recommendations, witty tips and a great vision of fashion.
ELLE's great point is giving diverse discussions. This is a very useful and beautiful magazine on decorating topics, it always has interesting topics that will help you organize and decorate your home and space. It helps when making decisions about what is best. This magazine promotes beauty, fashion, and entertainment. They also have great articles on healthy, organic, carcinogen-free makeup brands that most of the time cost quite a bit less than the more expensive brands that contain carcinogens, parabens and all sorts of other harmful things. It is highly recommended that you read a bit about the different ingredients that makeup brands use to protect yourself and those around you.
Website: https://www.elle.com/