Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Programming Ground Up™ (STM32)
This course is aimed at providing you with a good foundation in bare-metal firmware creation for ARM-based microcontrollers using a programming-based approach. The purpose of this course is to teach you how to explore the microcontroller reference manual and datasheet to extract the information you need to construct professional peripheral drivers and firmware. This course uses no libraries, only bare-metal embedded-c and register manipulations to achieve this purpose. To make things easier, this course is available on a variety of ARM Cortex-M development boards, allowing students to practice the methods on an ARM Cortex-M development board of their choosing. The STMicroelectronics STM32F4-NUCLEO with an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller is used in this edition of the course.
This is unlike any other course you've ever taken since it's a professional, hands-on "field guide" to SM32 bare metal firmware development. The reason for this is that there is no fluff or filler. It gets right to the point, telling you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why. It's also simple. And you'll instantly "understand" the complete mythology they employ in their job life to design firmware for consumer products.
Before developing the firmware for any chip you have to learn how to read the documentation provided by the chip manufacturer. All components on the microcontroller have an address range. To write to a component or read from a component you need to locate its address range in the documentation and properly define the addresses in your code. The addresses in the address range of a component represent the registers of that component. To access these registers you have effectively typecast the addresses. Cortex-Microcontroller Interface Standard (CMSIS)CMSIS is a standard developed by Arm for all Cortex-Microcontrollers. This is the standard used in professional firmware development
Who this course is for:
- If you are an absolute beginner to embedded systems, then take this course.
- If you are an experienced embedded developer and want to learn how to professionally develop embedded applications for ARM processors, then take this course.
- No programming experience needed - They'll teach you everything you need to know.
- They shall be using the STM32 IDE which is FREE.
Udemy rating: 4.5/5
Enroll here: https://www.udemy.com/course/embedded-systems-bare-metal-programming/