This drama, which follows Descendants of the Sun, is the most recent to feature Song Hye Kyo after a two-year absence. On her return, the actress adopted the identity of Cha Soo Hyun and became the director of a Donghwa hotel. She and Jin Hyuk (Park Bo Gum) had a passionate relationship. Because of the disparity in their ages, social standings, and familial backgrounds, this is a love tale that is filled with many emotions but also faces many challenges. Song Hye Kyo's Encounter is a classic melodrama that has won fans over with its portrayal of a classic romantic love story.
The central theme of Encounter (2018) is the special relationship between Cha Soo Hyun (Song Hye Kyo) and Kim Jin Hyuk (Park Bo Gum). The political figure's daughter is Cha Soo Hyun. Following her graduation from college, Cha Soo Hyun wed Jung Woo Suk (Jang Seung Jo), a member of the chaebol family. In reality, this was a political union that she was compelled to enter for the sake of her family. after giving birth to her first kid, she got divorced. Following that, she met a young man. The two got along well, and over time and despite societal preconceptions, they eventually fell in love.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Directed by: Park Shin-woo
Release date: 2018
Episodes: 16