EndoCare provides patients with the most advanced endodontic therapy available, as well as an unparalleled level of care. At both their Harley Street and Richmond locations in London, the staff at EndoCare is dedicated to detecting and treating dental pain through a highly-skilled, expert team. When it comes to treating dental pain, which is not always easy to diagnose, the staff at EndoCare are specialists in their profession, delivering not just extensive experience, but also a high degree of care and a warm, pleasant attitude. For their skill and experience in assessing tooth pain, many patients are referred to the EndoCare clinic by their regular dentist.
Root canal therapy, root canal re-treatment for failed root canal treatments, and endodontic microsurgery are all available at the clinic (such as apicoectomy). EndoCare employs cutting-edge technology and the greatest level of care to ensure that patients are supported every step of the way. Both clinics also offer emergency consultations and weekend hours.
Address 1:
- 99 Harley Street, W1G 6AQ, Central London.
- Contact: (+44) 0203-8784-825
Address 2:
- 4-6 George Street, Richmond, TW9 1JY, East London, London.
- Contact: (+44) 0203-8784-825