Epigraphical Museum
The Athens' Epigraphical Museum is one of the largest museums in Greece. This Greek museum houses a collection of 14,078 primarily Greek inscriptions spanning the period from early historical periods to the Late Roman era. It is placed on the National Archaeological Museum's south side. This museum features stone shelves with tersely labeled shelves, and the two newer portions provide insight into the Greek writing system and expose aspects of history. The museum carefully maintains these unique inscriptions over a long period of history.
The museum's only goal is to safeguard, conserve, protect, display, and promote the epigraphical treasures that it houses. In the specialized library, there are photographic and impression archives. The museum is also working on creating a digital catalogue that future visitors will be able to view online.
Location: 1 Tositsa Str., Athens, Greece
View Details: athens-museums.com/guide/history-archaeology/231-epigraphical-museum