Erwin Rommel is suspected of participating in the plot to kill Hitler.
One of the interesting facts about Erwin Rommel is that he was suspected of taking part in the resistance against Hitler. Rommel was brought to the hospital with a severe head injury in the summer of 1944. The resistance attempted to murder Hitler three days later. The endeavor was a failure.
A group of high-ranking officials attempted to assassinate Hitler with two bombs as Germany's military situation deteriorated, but they were foiled at the last minute. Rommel talked about the post-Hitler future with some of the masterminds because he was friends with them. His exact level of engagement in the scheme is still a mystery. (According to his widow, he condemned the murder but favored Hitler's capture and prosecution.) Whether or whether he was innocent, his name surfaced during the subsequent conflict in Nazi Germany, which led Hitler to plan his execution.
It's believed that Rommel was fully aware of the Hitler assassination plot. He kept Hitler in the dark about the resistance's intention to kill him even though he did not take part in the murder. From the perspective of his erstwhile adversaries, Rommel's stature increased when he was implicated in the plot to kill Hitler after the war. Rommel is frequently mentioned as a German nationalist prepared to oppose Hitler in Western sources.
Rommel was put under house arrest shortly after that. Many historians think Hitler might have been assassinated if he had been involved in the plot.