Esbeda stands as one of the most sought-after and esteemed handbag brands in India. Established in 2006 by the illustrious Mr. Pravin Agarwal, Esbeda presents an array of opulent handbags, wallets, clutches, sling bags, backpacks, and more. Esbeda distinguishes itself through its sophisticated and refined designs, drawing inspiration from global trends and the vibrant tapestry of Indian culture. Esbeda handbags showcase an exquisite blend of top-tier leather, faux leather, canvas, nylon, and other materials, boasting superb craftsmanship and unwavering durability.
Esbeda handbags are a sartorial expression for women who wish to make a lasting impact with their unique style. Esbeda provides a purse for any mood and need, whether it's a formal meeting, a casual outing, or a spectacular event. Esbeda handbags range in price from $12,19 to $60,94, depending on size, material, and design. Esbeda, with over 300 outlets across India and a seamless online store, allows you to browse and shop from the comfort of your own home.
Esbeda is one of the best handbag brands in India, combining luxury, craftsmanship, and utility in its products. If you're looking for a handbag that emanates personality among the crowd, Esbeda is the brand to go with.
Founded: 2006
Founder: Mr. Pravin Agarwal