Expecting Better

This book is a Babylist favorite among parents! It examines pregnancy health studies and assesses the quality of their methodology, with the purpose of providing the reader with objective knowledge to help them make educated decisions regarding pregnant hazards such as which foods to avoid. Arielle C, a Babylist parent, enjoys this book because it gives solid facts and helps to assess scientific evidence and make their own judgments. It refuted numerous unfounded pregnancy myths, which are sometimes broad assertions made by doctors with no solid data to back them up.
Emily Oster, the author, provides evidence that very mild drinking is safe during pregnancy, however severe drinking is highly hazardous. In general, she prefers that individuals examine the data and make their own conclusions rather than blindly following black-and-white standards. Needless to say, it has sparked a lot of debate.
Link to read: goodreads.com/book/show/16158576