"Fated: Of the Meantime Stories" is a compelling anthology of short stories written by the collaborative duo Teri Terry and Suzanne van Leendert, known together as Svingen and Pedersen. Published in 2012, this collection falls within the realm of dystopian science fiction, offering readers a thought-provoking exploration of fate, agency, and societal control.
Characterization is a strong suit of the anthology, with each story offering a unique perspective and insight into the protagonists' struggles. The characters grapple with themes of identity, autonomy, and the repercussions of challenging societal norms. Through their experiences, the authors explore the complex interplay between fate and individual agency.
In conclusion, "Fated: Of the Meantime Stories" is a thought-provoking anthology that blends dystopian elements with an exploration of fate, individual agency, and rebellion. With its engaging writing style, well-crafted characters, and relevant themes, this anthology is a recommended read for fans of the genre and those seeking narratives that challenge societal norms and celebrate the human spirit.
Author: Svingen and Pedersen
Published: June 12, 2018
Link to read: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40535607-fated?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=BxT92jWZpr&rank=1