Feedly is the best news aggregator website. You can easily access the website with a simple design, you will scroll vertically to find news, not grid like other websites. In addition, Feedly also creates additional applications for you to download for Android or iOS.
The information sources posted will be filtered and aggregated by Feedly in many different online sources for you to update and share with friends to read. You can access new features as you show what's important to you, and Feedly AI highlights important insights from anywhere, including news sites, blogs, twitter, and newsletters.
With the free use of Feedly, you get 100s of news aggregates from unparalleled sources. You'll find knitwear, cocktails, JavaScript, and even sports information.
Founded: 2008
Headquarters: Palo Alto, California
Website: https://feedly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feedly/about/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/feedly