Feel Scared

Essay topic: Describe an experience that made you feel scared.


One day, fear gripped me like never before. It was during a stormy night when the winds howled like a banshee and rain drummed fiercely on the windows. The power went out, casting the house into pitch darkness. I felt a chill crawl down my spine as shadows danced ominously on the walls.

The thunder roared, shaking the very foundation of the house. Lightning cracked the sky, painting everything in fleeting brightness and revealing eerie silhouettes. I huddled under my blanket, my heart racing like a runaway train. With each thunderclap, fear grew like a dark cloud in my mind. The house felt unfamiliar, each creak and groan echoing like ghostly whispers. Shadows played tricks, making ordinary objects seem menacing.

The storm intensified, rattling windows and doors. Branches scratched against the house, creating ghostly taps. I could hear rain pounding on the roof, like a chorus of drums in a horror movie. At that moment, fear had a tight grip on me. The unknown felt suffocating, and I wished for daylight to chase away the terror. Thoughts of monsters and things that bump in the night filled my mind.

But as quickly as it arrived, the storm began to ease. The thunder faded into the distance, and the rain dwindled to a soft patter. The dim light of dawn peeking through the curtains replaced the darkness. Relief flooded over me like a warm blanket. I realized it was just a storm, nature's tantrum, and not the monsters my imagination painted. The fear that had overwhelmed me slowly ebbed away, leaving a sense of gratitude for safety and a newfound respect for the power of nature.

That stormy night taught me that fear often looms larger in the dark, but daylight brings clarity and comfort. It was an experience that left me shaken but reminded me of my strength to face the unknown.

Cite this page (APA 7th edition): Toplist Joint Stock Company. (n.d.). Feel Scared. toplist.info. https://toplist.info/top/feel-scared-155264.htm

Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-lightning-bolt-strikes-over-a-house-at-night-ofGaKR4QLWg
Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/a-lightning-bolt-strikes-over-a-house-at-night-ofGaKR4QLWg
Photo by Anton Malanin on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/photography-of-lightnign-Hz-VIY_hTXk
Photo by Anton Malanin on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/photography-of-lightnign-Hz-VIY_hTXk

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