Fendi is one of the most popular handbag brands. Edoardo and Adele Fendi established Fendi in Rome in 1925. This company is an Italian luxury fashion house that makes handbags, ready-to-wear, shoes, leather products, fragrances, and eyewear. Fendi has been a member of the French company LVMH's "Fashion & Leather Goods" business since 2001.
The Fendi Baguette Bag, which is regarded as a wardrobe must in the fashion industry, was introduced by Silvia. The baguette bag is still available in its contemporary collection, but it has been altered with larger stitching, adjustable straps, and embroidery.
When discussing Fendi, two characteristics always come to mind: fur and exquisite workmanship. The brand, well-known for its innovative use of fur, offers a range of handbags with exotic animal designs, asymmetrical shapes, and eye-catching typography.
Popular product: Fendi C’mon Medium Bag
Website: https://www.fendi.com/ii-en/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fendi/ (21M followers)