FFF Class Trashero
"FFF Class Trashero" is an intriguing Manhwa that follows the life of its protagonist, Kang Han Soo. After spending a decade in a fantasy world, Kang Han Soo successfully accomplishes the daunting task of slaying the demon king. However, instead of being granted a hero's welcome or a happily-ever-after, he is confronted by the world's god, who presents him with a report card that bears an unexpected F in personality.
Kang Han Soo had unceremoniously removed any and all obstacles that had previously prevented him from fulfilling his mission, regardless of the consequences. This act of ruthlessness and single-mindedness has earned him the ire of the divine evaluator. As a result, Kang Han Soo is sent back to the very beginning, forced to relive his journey over and over again.
The central question of the Manhwa revolves around whether Kang Han Soo can escape this cycle of endless returns and find redemption for his flawed personality. With its blend of fantasy, humor, and moral dilemmas, "FFF Class Trashero" is an engaging and thought-provoking read for fans of the genre.
- Author(s): Farnar
- Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 172
- Read here: https://fffclasstrashero.com/