If you are an active member of popular fandoms (example: Harry Potter fandom, Lord of The Ring fandom,...) and write frequently on, then there is a high possibility that you may have heard of Fictionpress. is a renowned place for fan fictions (aka made-up stories about famous fictional characters or real-life celebrities). Fictionpress is a counterpart of, but for original stories.
Users on this site are mostly ambitious authors and writers who want to publish their novellas. Frankly, Fictionpress is not as active and popular as many other networks on this list. Still, you will not regret your time here. Experienced writers on Fictionpress would offer many useful comments that could help you improve your skills.
Of course, we do not mean to say that every single story here is well-written. Aside from extremely good novels, the number of bad stories are also quite astonishing; but that is understandable, given that this app is free.
Users: ~ 50 thousand