First Advantage
Rated as the best global background check website for users, First Advantage always strengthens its position by perfecting and evolving from interface to tool every day. First Advantage caters to corporate clients, giving complete screens such as criminal background checks, licenses and credentials, driving records, social media profiles, and more. As a one-stop shop for human resources departments, it also provides services other than professional background checks, such as drug screening and FBI fingerprinting.
They provide complete background screening systems that give employers and housing providers simple, actionable results that allow them to make confident decisions, decrease risk, and remain compliant. They assist you in rapidly and efficiently finding and retaining suitable candidates. The strong mix of searches and services provides information to assist you to decrease risk while significantly enhancing the quality of your workforce and the dependability of your tenants. As a consequence of these factors, they have become a trusted partner to over 35,000 businesses globally. Hoping these results help you make faster, more informed choices.
While some services can only access data in the United States, First Advantage has a global reach, making it valuable for businesses wishing to employ workers from other nations. It may also do post-employment screening to ensure that your new staff stays trustworthy.
- Basic check costs $25
- Standard check costs $40
- Pro check costs $60