First State Dental

First State Dental was founded in 2006 as a general dental clinic specializing in preventative and reconstructive dentistry for families.

Dr. D. Michael Gioffre Jr. graduated from The University of Maryland Dental School and holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Since 1999, Dr. Gioffre has been practicing dentistry in Wilmington, Delaware. He is a part of the dental community on a local, national, and worldwide level.


  • Bonding and Veneering
  • Crowns for Dental Restoration
  • Dental Whitening
  • Invisalign™
  • Porcelain Veneer
  • Smile Makeover
  • Tooth-colored Fillings
  • Dental Bridge
  • Dental Implant
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction …

Address: 1702 Lovering Ave Wilmington, DE 19806
Phone: (302) 652-5312

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Photo: firststatedental
Video: First State Dental

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