Even if you get a permit to buy it, a flamingo can cost as much as $1,500 to own. However, it is not fixed, and the price depends on the species you buy. Flamingos are sociable birds, and being alone could make them unhappy. As a result, you should buy a pair of flamingos.
A flamingo, like other wild or exotic pets, needs a variety of requirements to stay healthy and live a longer life. Flamingos are expensive, but so are their cages, maintenance, and vitamins. You're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars when you put it all together. In addition, because flamingos are so rare, finding a veterinarian to treat them if something goes wrong will be difficult. Even if you find them, they'll be expensive. The good news is that the diet of flamingos is less glamorous. They eat shrimp and a special kind of red algae.
Price: $1,500