Flathead Lake Lodge
There aren't many places like Flathead Lake Lodge to choose from when it comes to wedding venues. The lodge, which sits on the shores of Montana's Flathead Lake, is the ideal location for weddings of all sizes, from small intimate gatherings to larger weddings of up to 200 guests. We're confident you'll find your ideal wedding destination at Flathead Lake Lodge, with 2,000 acres of terrain, shoreline access, and a variety of ceremony locations to choose from.
Flathead Lake Lodge is a family-run dude ranch known for its warm hospitality and beautiful outdoor facilities. This is the ideal location for a relaxed or elegant wedding, with a classy country setting that emphasizes intimacy (and everything in between). This location is a crowd-pleaser, as it is situated on the shores of Flathead Lake and surrounded by natural beauty.
Contact Information:
Address: P.O. Box 248 Bigfork, Montana
Phone: 406-837-4391
Website: https://www.flatheadlakelodge.com/