Flexjobs is an online resource for freelancing, part-time, and full-time work that may be done from anywhere. Jobs in the fields of teaching and academia sit alongside those in the media and publishing. Every authentic employment opportunity is verified by Flexjobs. All postings are checked and screened to ensure that only legitimate businesses are shown. This freelance website, in contrast to many others on the web, does not have banner ads.
Users must sign up for a membership in order to access the freelancing employment board. Starting at just $6.95 per week, you can choose from four different packages. With a paid membership, you may view all available job postings, create an online portfolio to showcase your talents, and get expert career guidance.
Users have the option of using a prepaid card or PayPal to pay for their subscription. If you aren't happy with the service for any reason within the first 30 days, you can get your money back.
- Freelancing type: writing, content marketing, transcription
- scam-free, 30-day money-back guarantee, reliable support
- some premium jobs can be found outside the platform
Website: https://www.flexjobs.com/