Flipboard is a program that allows you to read articles and news depending on your interests. It is also a social networking site where you may follow individuals and blogs that are relevant to you. Flipboard may be used to share content with others. Most crucially, you may share articles from Flipboard to other social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin, as well as the applications to which it can link.
Flipboard gathers material from social media, news feeds, photo-sharing websites, and other websites and presents it as a magazine, allowing users to "surf" through articles, photographs, and videos. Photographs and videos are being circulated. Readers may also utilize the "flip" function, just like they would with a real magazine.
Your primary home page will include photographs, titles, source names, and recent articles. To enlarge the full-screen display, simply click on the story. You can also pick "Like" or "Less similar" and Flipboard will organize content depending on your preferences. Flipboard allows you to "Like" or just follow the subjects and persons you care about, as well as the social accounts you wish to follow the news from. You may also choose to store the article for later reading.
In addition, another point that makes the application appear at the top of the best news app is that it allows users to post and promote their articles on Flipboard thanks to the application's social networking feature. On Flipboard, you can develop personal content, and promote your image, product, or brand to customers or users interested in the topic you post.
Website: https://flipboard.com/
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/flipboard-the-social-magazine/id358801284
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Flipboard&c=apps&hl=en-VN
Rate: 3.6/5