Florida Virtual School
One of the top providers of online education in the world, Florida Virtual School offers students dynamic, creative, and safe learning environments in a community support system. It provides a large selection of individualized online courses for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade.
With year-round, round-the-clock access, students can finish their courses whenever and wherever they choose—at home in the comfort of their own house, during a school break, or while on vacation. Florida Virtual School can improve your educational experience regardless of whether you attend a typical public or private school or homeschool.
The classes offer a wide variety of challenging and enjoyable activities that cater to various learning preferences. Our nationally accredited courses include captivating audio and video clips, interactive games and quizzes, and useful written lessons and assignments.
Curriculums are tailored to each student's individual needs in order to help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in school and beyond. The students routinely perform better than the state and national norms on Advanced Placement and End-of-Course tests as a result of their commitment to material mastery.
To ensure accuracy and compliance with state and federal regulations, courses go through more than 450 hours of rigorous review and testing both during production and after completion. Furthermore, the institutions offer NCAA-approved core courses and have complete accreditation from Cognia and SACS CASI. This makes the school more reliable and for Dubai students to consult.
Over a hundred professionals comprise the Curriculum Development team, who collaborate to plan, organize, produce, and assess the content for our online courses. For students, the subject matter experts provide educational resources that are inclusive, impartial, factual, and educational.
Students in all grades who are enrolled in at least one Florida Virtual School course are eligible to join clubs. There are around 60 student clubs available for students to join, covering a broad range of interests. As students pursue their hobbies, FVS connects them both virtually and in person.
Founded: 1997
Tuition fee: $300- $500
Website: https://www.flvs.net/